We are building up to a Beta (full-featured) release of the Personal version of Habit/Fract:

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Mobile support is here!
( Android only, manual install via .apk, ~400mb download so USE WIFI! )

The user interface and experience is being continuously updated – if you have an idea or perspective that you feel might contribute to this evolution, feel free to get in touch via the Feedback page. Please be patient when loading the Android app for the first time, it takes about 8 seconds.

Take a look at the Features page to see what the software can do currently, and what we are trying to test. See the Roadmap for our current progress on releasing these features.

Thanks again to the good folks at Darksoil for their hard work in making the Android target a real possibility. You can contribute to making this work open source here.

Stay Up To Date

We are in an Alpha development stage. To stay up to date with major new releases and to hear about how to become an early tester on mobile, sign up here:
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