Version 0.2.0:
First Mobile Release!

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Orbit Visualisation

Our first mobile release is here. We knew it had to happen, so Habit/Fract was designed mobile-first from the get-go, getting ready for a platform that didn’t yet exist!

Thanks to the stellar work by darksoil studio with their p2p Shipyard, and the new version of Tauri we are now able to release one of the first cross-platform Holochain apps (hApps).

Personal Habit/Fract is a stepping stone – one that will be the foundation for a new world of social co-operation (when the Social version is later released).

Version 0.2.0 Additional Features for Personal Habit/Fract

  • Traverse time and tick off your wins for each Orbit by the day (more frequencies to be added later).
  • Navigate around your personal visualisations using thumb-friendly navigation buttons.
  • Reset the app by clearing all data.
Creating an Orbit
Orbit Breakdown page

Version 0.2.x Planned Feature Set

  • Vizualise the relative attention you are paying to each of your Spheres in the Sphere Breakdown using a partition diagram. We love data-viz!
  • Store your wins permanently.

Version 0.3.x Planned Feature Set

  • Choose to “Make or Break” a habit, to split up the light or dark aspects of behavioural reinforcement. The light (“Make”) side will use a light color scheme to distinguish itself.
  • Traverse time in the periods you defined for your Orbit frequency (hour, day, week, month).
  • Create streaks when you log multiple wins consecutively.
  • Tick off Orbits when you complete the behaviour for a specific period, creating a visual cascading effect up the tree. When all of the Orbits at the bottom are complete then so shall be the whole tree.

Version 0.1.0:
First MVP on Holochain

Visualise your behaviour in a hierarchy

Five years since initial conception, after three different tries on “Web 2” (server) architecture, peer-to-peer Habit/Fract is being shipped with limited features.

Onboarding flow that helps break down your behaviour

Version 0.1.0 Feature Set for Personal Habit/Fract

  • Create the 4 Spheres (thanks, 4 Burners!) of your life that you want to use to track behaviour. Add an image to quickly identify your Spheres.
  • List and sort your Spheres on the Sphere List page.
  • Create Orbits (our name for a Habit) of different scales – Astronomic, Sub-astronomic, or Atomic – depending on the magnitude of the behavior you want to track.
  • Visualise the Orbits in your Sphere as a hierarchical tree. Navigate this tree to see the details of your Orbits, or to add new ones at a place in the hierarchy.
  • Tick off individual Orbits as complete (no cascading logic, yet).
  • List, edit, update, or delete your Orbits on the Orbit Breakdown page.
  • Use all of the above features offline. Data is stored on the source chain (a personal encrypted data-ledger).

There is no temporal dimension working, as yet, since the plan to add multiple Orbit frequencies adds a lot of complexity.

Soon, choose between breaking or making a habit
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